DOP / TOP Information

The Driver Orientation Program (DOP) / Track Orientation Program (TOP)is held during the Thursday Test Day of many SVRA events throughout the year. For this year, DOP /TOP is only available at many SVRA events in the East and Midwest.

The DOP is for drivers who have completed an approved racing school or hold a current approved license. The DOP is designed to do several things for new members and drivers before they participate in an SVRA vintage race event. The first objective is to ensure that each participant understands what the “Spirit of Vintage Racing” is and how it differs from other forms of racing. This includes the history and application of the “13/13 Disciplinary Rules.”

In addition, the DOP session will cover the basics of road course racing to include subjects such as braking, passing, the line, turn-in, apex and track-out points. The session will concentrate on the particular track that will be used for the event weekend. Class room sessions are alternated with on-track sessions and individual feedback will be offered. The DOP normally finishes the day with participation in practice starts.

After the successful completion of the DOP, which includes the event weekend, a Temporary License is issued that is good for one more SVRA event. The successful completion of the DOP, the current event weekend and one more SVRA event (two events total), earns the participant a standard SVRA Competition License.

The Track Orientation (TOP) portion of the program is designed for intermediate and advanced competitors before they participate at a particular SVRA race venue. Again, class room sessions are alternated with on-track sessions.

The first objective of TOP is to painstakingly examine the race course and to become familiar with the nuances, tips and tricks of the circuit itself for the benefit of driver confidence and performance. Detailed handouts, low-speed, street car reconnaissance laps, briefings before and after each on-track session will substantially shorten the TOP participant’s “learning curve,” whether that driver is coming to a track for the first time or re-acquainting themselves with a circuit they have not visited in some time.

TOP will also cover opportunities and hazards of the particular track and focus on providing detailed, individual and group feedback for the benefit of TOP participants.

For additional information about the SVRA DOP / TOP program, please contact Chief Instructor, Peter Krause, at