General Rules & Regulations

These rules are general in nature and may not apply to every car accepted by SVRA. It is not possible for SVRA to publish rules that accurately define the period authenticity for all eligible cars.

It is the responsibility of each competitor to research the proper period specification for his or her car, and to present it as such. Supplemental Regulations (Spec Sheet) are published for most Makes & Models and they give specific details on permitted options and modifications. The (Spec Sheet) are to be used in conjunction with the General Rules and Regulations (GRR). When in conflict the (Spec Sheet) takes precedence. The Group Supplemental Regulations (GSR) for each Race Group contains details that apply to that group only and these should also be considered when preparing a car.

Proof of any unusual specification or configuration is the responsibility of the competitor. Updating or backdating within a recognized model (body type) production span is allowed as long as it does not conflict with the group eligibility time period. Continuation cars may be accepted, but they must be backdated to the eligibility period.

Competition Bulletins

View Competition Bulletins

Technical Bulletins

View Technical Bulletins

Standard SVRA Groups, Classes and Events:

These are the resources and regulations that will help you prepare your car to compete with the SVRA. Every car must have a current copy of the following forms on file in order to compete: Race Car Certification Form and the Engine Certification Form:

1. SVRA General Rules and Regulations (PDF) revised 1/25

2. SVRA Class Descriptions and Supplemental Regulations

3. SVRA Make and Model Specification Sheets

4. SVRA Tire Regulations (PDF) revised 1/24

5. SVRA Roll Bar and Roll Cage Design Recommendations (revised 2/20) (PDF)

SVRA Race Groups

SVRA Class Descriptions and Supplemental Regulations

Make & Model Regulations

SVRA Make and Model Specification Sheets

Gold Medallion Classes and Events:

These are the regulations that apply to cars that have been awarded the SVRA Gold Medallion or for cars that are prepared to SVRA Gold Medallion standards and wish to run in a SVRA Gold medallion class or event.

1. SVRA Gold Medallion Rules and Regulations

2. SVRA Gold Medallion Class Tire Regulations (PDF)

In order to determine if a cars is eligible for a SVRA Gold medallion class or event you must submit the following forms: Race Car Certification Form, Engine Certification Form, and the the preliminary Gold Medallion Application Form.

Log Books

We encourage everyone to have a Log book for their Race Car in order to preserve the history of the vehicle’s on track participation, however it is not required to present a log book for participation in a SVRA event. A race car with an existing SVRA, HSR-West or any other racing organization log book does not imply that the car will be accepted to run in a SVRA Event.

Existing Log Books

For cars with multiple log books, we would prefer that you present the most recently used log book. Cars that appear to not have recently run an event (based on the submitted log book) are subjected to increased scrutiny during Technical Inspection.

New SVRA Log Books

  • An SVRA Log Book will only be issued to a racecar and its owner that is actively participating and entered in SVRA events as an SVRA Licensed Driver and Member.
  • SVRA Log Books are only issued at most SVRA events; they are never available by mail or at non-SVRA events.
  • Appointments can be made at the Tech Trailer for a new or continuation SVRA Log Books; there are only a limited number of appointments per event.
  • The issuance of a new SVRA Log Book does not guarantee or imply that the race car will be accepted to participate in future SVRA events.

Continuation and Replacement SVRA Log Books

  • Both continuation (full) and replacement (lost) SVRA Log Books can be requested at the Tech Trailer at most events.

Annual Inspections

We encourage SVRA members to have an annual technical inspection completed on their race car when they plan to enter multiple SVRA events during the season. SVRA annual inspections are for the convenience of SVRA members and race cars with SVRA Log Books only.