Subject: New General Rules
From: Rick Parent, Technical Director
TB2016-003 New General Rules (PDF)
There have been some Minor changes to the General Rules and Regulations, mostly concerning Safety. Please read the New Rules carefully. The changes made to the Safety section mostly have to do with expiration dates of all safety equipment like driver’s gear, seat belts, window nets and the like.
The most notable change is for the SFI rated seat belts, The SFI seat belts that have a date of purchase are only good for 2 years from that date. The SFI and FIA belts that have an expiration date will be good until that date.
Head and Neck restraints must have an SFI 38.1 or FIA 8858-2002 certification number, these devices may be recertified; you do not have to buy a new one.
Snell 2005 helmets are no longer usable within SVRA, the Snell 2010, 2015 and FIA 8860-2010 are acceptable.
There are new SFI and FIA numbers for, window nets, arm restraints, driver suits, underwear, roll bar padding and a few other items.
Please check all your safety gear before coming to the track.
Please read the New General Rules and Regulations as a part of the preparation efforts for your 2016 racing season.
Thanks for your attention!
Now, let’s race!